Kenexis is announcing a price increase for its annual software license for the Open-PHA® premium Cloud version.  A concurrent-user license will now be $2,250/year effective 01/01/24.  Anyone with a license prior to 01/01/24 will enjoy “Legacy” pricing.  The Legacy pricing will remain at the current rate of $1250/year with nominal annual operating cost adjustments related to increased costs starting 01/01/25.  This includes any new, additional licenses purchased after 01/01/24.

If you have been looking for PHA software or considering making a change from your current software, you will want to take advantage of the Legacy pricing soon!

Even at this new rate, the Open-PHA® Cloud version is an extreme value compared to competitive products, often less than the annual maintenance cost alone for some.  Open-PHA® has all the features you expect from PHA software as well as premium features including:

  • Customizable Dashboards
  • Robust User Management and Access Controls
  • Supports PHA/LOPA Templating
  • Reusable Libraries of Causes, Safeguards, etc.
  • Revision Management & Study Version Controls
  • Custom Report Generation
  • Bowtie Visualization of LOPA scenarios
  • Import current studies from PHAWorks and PHA-Pro
  • Integration and Synchronization with VertigoTM SIS Lifecycle Management Software by Kenexis

The Desktop version has always been and will always be FREE!

Software Update: Export PHA-Pro files and import into Open-PHA®

If you currently use legacy desktop PHA software and want to consider a move to a cloud-based solution, accurate migration of existing studies to a new application is critical. In this video we will demonstrate migrating data from a PHA-Pro study to Open-PHA® by Kenexis.
