Open-PHA® Sample Studies

Open-PHA® Sample Studies

This article contains some simple samples of Open-PHA® studies. Download links are located at the bottom of the page.

The samples in this article can either be opened using Open-PHA® Desktop or Uploaded to KISS using Open-PHA® Cloud.

If you are working with Open-PHA® Desktop, simply download a sample and open it in Open-PHA® (File – Open).

If you are working with Open-PHA® Cloud you can import these samples into your facility by performing the following steps:

1.)  Click a link at the bottom of the article to download the sample study and save the downloaded file to your local hard drive.

2.) On the Study Manager Page, select a Facility where you would like to import the sample study.

3.) From the Study Manager page, click the Import Button in the main action ribbon and select the sample study file that was downloaded.

3.) Following step 3, the Open-PHA® application will load and display the data for the sample study.  You can now begin editing the sample study.


By |2024-06-11T13:44:56-04:00July 11th, 2022|Categories: Support|Tags: |Comments Off on Open-PHA® Sample Studies

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